Material Resource Management and the Circular Economy Dr. Christoph Becker's research focuses on how material flows through the social fabrics, from rare earths mine in Bayan Obo all the way to plastics pollution of oceans. His work is driven by questions such as: Where and how are contemporary discards made? Where do they travel and where do their effects accumulate? Who gets what discards, where, how, and under what conditions? How can maintenance, repair, and recycling offer both literal and figurative lessons for figuring out how to live well together in permanently polluted and always breaking worlds. Christoph has contributed to Belgium and European research projects and given policy advice on waste diversion from incineration, marine litter, and the potentials of reuse and recycling on a sustainable energy infrastructure. He is member of the Working Group on Recycling and Waste Minimisation (WGRWM) of the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA).
*BSc/MSc Thesis*I have multiple projects for students in the fields of Bio-Engineering, Environmental Studies, and Computer Sciences. Just drop me a message if you are interested.